Cardiobase has been working closely with the Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA) to integrate Cardiobase with various Electronic Provider Directories (EPDs). We are pleased to announce that this work is now complete and the new functionality is now available in version of Cardiobase.

Many of our customers have told us that keeping their doctor details up to date can take several hours a week. Often, this occurs when you have attempted to contact a GP unsuccessfully. With this new Electronic Provider Directory integration you can electronically search within Cardiobase for practitioners and healthcare services across multiple national directories and we will automatically keep the details up to date. Your information will be very secure as all messages between Cardiobase, EPD and other secure messaging services will be encrypted using nationally recognised certificates for secure communications and the latest FHIR standards.

With this foundation in place, a whole new world of fast and secure digital communication will be at your fingertips. Referrals could be sent to Cardiobase from any practitioner or healthcare service whether they’re known to Cardiobase or not and you could send reports to GPs and referring Doctors electronically saving on printing, posting and faxing.

This solution ensures practitioner and healthcare service information within Cardiobase is up-to-date helping you securely provide clinical information to those that need it. If you would like to find out more about this, please contact us at or call us on +61394390221.